How to build your intuition using symbolism

by | May 21, 2024 | Blog, Uncategorized

Learn to increase your intuitive abilities through the use of symbolic meanings

By practicing the art of symbolism, developing some interpretation skills can greatly improve our intuitive abilities in dissecting the things that impact us the most in life.

Here we will breakdown in steps, using some framework techniques, and how to decode what our environment means and says about us!

Where to start? 

Building a connection to source is a personal journey, so there isn’t necessarily a right or wrong way of interpreting signs that have come to your awareness.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or experiencing any confusion regarding how to go about this, first, it is best to start practicing some deep breathing techniques. Then, when you’re in an open, relaxed state of mind, start noticing some of the details of the environment around you.

What colors are the walls? Are there any prominent picture frames in the room? What characteristics do these images possess? What emotions, or thoughts come to mind when you observe these images? What is the weather like?

It’s okay if you’re not feeling anything in particular about these things. Right now, you’re just practicing putting yourself in observation mode.


What are the most important things to pay attention to?

Learning what to pay attention to can often times be a very straightforward process. The general rule I adhere to the most is to be extra aware of the unusual things that pops up throughout the day. Usually this is a sign that the universe is actively trying to communicate with you.

For example, if you are in the garden, and out of nowhere you see a rabbit crossing your path, this is usually a message you’re meant to receive at that moment. This is especially so if you don’t typically come across rabbits everyday.

This is the most basic way of allowing connection to flow easily between you and source consciousness without overthinking it. Omens like these are always a good sign, because it typically means that you are now experiencing reciprocity from the universe.

But let’s say you want to take more initiative in building a connection between you and spirit. Then applying a framework of correspondences will be a great technique for you.

Later on we will be mentioning more on how to apply these frameworks, and how to develop a deeper understanding using them for your own personal observations.

What exactly are these symbols trying to tell me?

For a lot of people, the most common messages are in the form of synchronicities. This is when two seemingly separate experiences seem to be related somehow or sending the same message.

For example: you receiving an orchid as a gift, then turning on the tv, to see a program where they are also talking about orchids.

Now, for someone that isn’t paying attention, this may seem like a mere coincidence, but a lot of the times, this is actually spirit trying to share information with us. Typically, a synchronicity like this could be seen as confirmation regarding something that has been on one’s mind.

Another way of decoding your settings is by paying close attention to the space around you that is incongruent with the rest of your surroundings. This is especially so, if this space doesn’t match up with your personal taste or preferences.

You see, what we end up surrounding ourselves with, doesn’t necessarily have to resonate with how we feel about ourselves internally.

For example, let’s say your favorite color is green, but somehow you always seem to find yourself surrounded by the color red. (Red is the opposite color from green on the color wheel). This could be a sign that there’s something going on in your external life that may be in opposition to your true interests.

What is a framework of correspondences?

As mentioned before, one technique that is great for beginners, is learning to interpret your surroundings using an internal framework of correspondences. This can be as simple as finding the natural elements within your environment, or as intricate as analyzing the archetypal significance of the art and images around you.

Ultimately, choosing a framework that works best for you is key. There are so many different types of frameworks out there to choose from, so it is best to choose the ones that resonates with you the most at this time.

Another great reason to become familiar with using correspondences, is that you can apply multiple ones to create a more thorough analysis of the setting around you.

Later, we’ll be covering the more common ones you’ll be able to implement into your practice, but first we’ll be going over how to use these frameworks.

The purpose of using these corresponding symbols as references, is for you to find these key elements within the things around you. For example, if you are using the 5 Chinese elements as a frame of reference, this frame includes the 5 elements: wood, fire, earth, metal, and water.

Now let’s say, you deal with a lot of paperwork and write quite a bit throughout the day. You may observe that the writing utensils you use are usually made of wood.

In this case the wood element would be relevant for this observation, because paper and pencils come from the wood element. This can suggest that currently you’re dealing with a lot of creative energy and growth in certain areas of your life at the moment.

Pay attention to what you feel

It’s also a good idea to pay attention to any thoughts or emotions that crop up when you make these observations? This is important, because this can give you some clues as to what your personal relationship is like in regards to those correspondences.

For example, if you’re noticing some conflicting emotions come up in regards to the action of writing itself, this could suggest that this growth period in your life is coming with some metaphorical growing pains right now.

Now that we’ve covered how to use correspondences in relation to our analysis, next we will mention a few common frameworks you can use below.

These are great for beginners that won’t be too overwhelming to get started with. Below, we will be going through the four classic elements of nature, the seven colors of the rainbow, and the four cardinal directions.

The four elements

One of the most frequently used ways of categorizing elemental properties, at least in the western world, is understanding the four natural elements of air, fire, water, and earth. Most things we observe around us are typically derived in some way from these four properties.

Keep in mind, this doesn’t mean that these are the only valid elements, and any other system is less important. This is just a more simple process of categorization for now until you are ready to start incorporating more properties from other elemental systems.

The spiritual meanings of the four natural elements


The air element symbolizes our thoughts and anything to do with communication. It can also represent life force; the first breath that gives life.

If you’re outdoors and notice a gust of wind, this could be a sign having to do with the mental state, or anything to do with the more cerebral part of the mind. Take note of the direction the wind is blowing from.

You can also perceive this element in different forms. For example, seeing smoke or vapor, could represent a state of mental confusion, or an inability to conjure up clear thoughts regarding a matter.


Fire is what gives us passion, drive, confidence, and motivates us towards things that excites us the most. On the negative side it can represent anger, impulsivity, and even an over-inflated ego.

Take note of the things around you that incorporate this element. If you see candlelight, how many are there? Pay attention to what the flame looks like. Is it a small flame, or a tall one?

A small flame could symbolize a lack of passion or creativity in regards to the person in question. A tall flame can signify a lot of energy and vigor towards one’s intentions.


Water is where our emotions, and subconscious mind resides. It can represent the more nurturing and feminine aspects of ourselves. Just as water supports ecosystems out in nature to flourish, it also does so for us emotionally too.

Being one of the most dynamic elements out there, water can present itself to us in so many different forms. It can come in the form of salt water, raindrops, ice, snow, waterfalls, snowflakes, and cloud formations.

For example, colder versions of this element could represent a hardening of emotions. Hence the saying “they’re as cold as ice” to imply emotional coldness, or a lack of compassion.


The earth element represents the things that give us value and stability. Whether these values are inherited, earned, or accumulated over time doesn’t really matter.

These can be your talents, skills, education, accolades, material possessions, and overall sense of self worth. It’s the things that we know contributes to our feelings of safety in some way.

Just as our inner values gives us enrichment in our day-to-day lives, the soil and plant life around us, provides an invaluable amount of resources and sufficiency.

Notice the dirt and soil around you, is it adorn with plant life, or still bare. Fertile soil by itself, can symbolize a potential to create something worthwhile and tangible.

The seven colors of the rainbow

The seven colors of the rainbow had in some ancient cultures been considered a “divine essence”, and overall represented a bridge between the heavens and earth.

Each color of the rainbow symbolizes different qualities of our divine essence, and can reflect what our own personal experiences are like with each individual essence.

The colors we surround ourselves with, and feel drawn to, can reveal our attitudes towards these different aspects of ourselves. Knowing this, it’s no accident that these seven colors also share some similar traits to the seven chakras of the human body.

The spiritual meanings of the 7 colors of the rainbow


The color red represents all of our primordial needs and base desires. These fundamental desires can include anything to do with food, sex, housing, financial security, and also necessary social connections.

One of the very first colors to be used by paleolithic humans, the color red has been incorporated within our surroundings since the dawn of time. People who feel drawn to this color, may be more concerned with things having to do with creating stability and ensuring safety within their lives.

However, let’s say that you don’t necessarily feel any appeal nor repulsion towards this color, but always seem to find yourself surrounded by its many hues everywhere you go. This could mean that there may be some underlying issues regarding your financial stability that needs to be addressed.


Orange is one of the most creative and optimistic colors of the rainbow, and symbolizes all the things that give us enjoyment in life. People who feel drawn to this color tend to be fascinated with the idea of creating their own happiness.

This can manifest in many different ways, for example one person can aspire towards more artistic pursuits, while another might want to create more freedom for themselves. Both situations involve holding space for the creative process.

Just as the sacral chakra is located in the pelvic area where the womb would be of the woman, this color represents the safe space we all need in order to garner healthy self expression.

If you start noticing the color orange around you throughout the day, it could be a sign that you are currently,  or soon will be dealing with something involving the more creative side of your mind.


Yellow, being the most energetic color of the rainbow represents all the things that give us drive and confidence. This color signifies the animating spirit that’s within all of us. This is so important for building self esteem and a healthy sense of self worth.

People who find appeal towards this color, can sometimes be preoccupied with establishing their own sense of authority or personal identity.

These may be people that are already familiar with the qualities of their personality that makes them unique, but sometimes may struggle with cultivating validation when it comes to those qualities. Unfortunately, this can lead to an endless cycle of seeking it from the outside world, when in reality, it can only be cultivated from within.

Pay attention to see if there’s any yellow objects around you, if so, what thoughts come up for you? Perhaps you’ve realized that this color really stands out in comparison to its other surroundings. If so, this could signify that your own sense of authority could be starting to blossom in the midst of working with others, or within your occupations.


With green being the color right in the center of the rainbow, this symbolizes the heart center residing within all of us. Green can represent the people that we love and the things that keeps us going throughout life.

This can be the love for our family, children, pets, friends, and romantic partners. Individuals who are drawn to the color green, are people who deeply long for human connection and companionship.

On the negative side, this can create a lot of loneliness within oneself, if this person isn’t able to easily connect with others.

Besides representing the connection we have with people, the color green also signifies our innate connection and love for nature. Green can be a very healing color to be in the presence of, so it’s always a good idea to get out more and connect with the natural world.

It’s quite common that when people start to cultivate more self love in their life, the more plant life starts to accumulate within their immediate surroundings.


Blue, one of the coolest tones within the rainbow, epitomizes feelings of calmness, grace, and tranquility. Besides these feelings of calm, the color blue can also symbolize the things that helps facilitate our own authentic selves. Such things include loyalty, trustworthiness, sincerity, intelligence, and a personal sense of responsibility.

Just as the skies and oceans both embody depths that can go on for miles, people who are drawn to this color, may always find themselves exploring and questioning the deeper meanings of life. This can be both a positive and negative thing, depending on how this person uses their thoughts and emotions.

Sometimes there’s a risk of dwelling too much in the past, or on the things that can not be changed. It’s natural to go through some feelings of sadness from these inner dialogues, but one must be careful that it doesn’t get to the point where it becomes debilitating.

Overall, the color blue can represent our inner voice and the things we want to say regardless of it not being what others want to hear. Take notice of where the color blue resides in your physical environment, this can signify which areas of your life needs to be looked into deeper, and what personal truths you hold towards them.


Visually Indigo is a mixed hue of both blue and violet, so this color embodies similar traits to what these two colors represent. On one hand, it shares the depths and calmness of the color blue, while also incorporating the inner knowing and wisdoms of the color violet.

People who embrace this color tend to have a knack for seeing the blind spots that aren’t so obvious to other people. Others may even assume that this person possesses a “sixth sense”, or have access to secret information that others don’t.

Because this is a darker shade of blue, this color has quite a mysterious air to it. This can suggest that the knowledge this color possesses, goes far beyond what’s on the surface, and is willing to plunge deeper into the abyss where others don’t dare to explore.

On the occasions that you find yourself around the color indigo, this could be a sign to dig deeper beyond what your initial assumptions were regarding certain subject matter.


Violet, the color on the other side of the rainbow signifies enlightenment that goes beyond the temporal body. Representing all the things that gives us ultimate meaning and purpose, violet symbolizes intuition, mysticism, spirituality, and the luxurious aspects of life.

Because this color is a combination of both red and blue, violet contains a certain duality of the feminine and masculine. Being able to encapsulate both energies harmoniously makes for a very powerful presence. It’s no wonder that violent as well as other hues of purple are associated with royalty.

People who feel drawn to this color tend to have an inner knowing of who they are as individuals and what makes them special. Sometimes they can really embody the saying “life is what you make it”. These people tend to find a happy medium between doing what they love, as well as what they’re good at.

Since this color deals with the aspects of ourselves that are beyond the physical plane, people who love the color violet can end up questioning themselves on how they can channel their energies towards something that serves a higher purpose, or better serve the masses. 

Having this color in your presents can suggest that there may be a higher purpose or significance to what is being observed right now.

The four cardinal directions

The last framework of correspondence we will be going over are the four cardinal directions. Although, there are twelve intermediate directions in total, for now we will only be covering the four main ones, east, south, west, and north.

I’ll also be briefly discussing the significance of an object being placed on the right or left side. Sometimes it helps to notice what direction certain symbols are facing, to better determine what messages the universe is trying to communicate.

The spiritual meaning of the four cardinal points


East symbolizes new beginnings or new concepts being born. Just as the sun rises from the east signifying a brand new day, anything residing in the eastern direction can suggest a newly fresh perspective is about to emerge.

For example, let’s say you notice a rabbit crossing your path coming from the east, this could mean new beginnings regarding anything to do with fertility, emotional health, or female friendships.

Seasonally the east represents the spring and all the natural occurrences that happens in nature during this time, such as blossoming flowers, newborn animals, and daylight starting to become longer.


The south direction is synonymous with the element of fire. The southern cardinal point is also associated with the things that energize us, and gives us vitality.

Seasonally, the south represents summertime when solar energy is at its most powerful, and the sun is at its highest peak in the sky. Think of a time period in your life where you felt the the most active and energetic, this correlates well with the symbolism of the southern direction.

While all of this is great when it comes to creating momentum in one’s life, there can be some downsides associated with things “going south”. You may have heard the idiom “it all went south from there” suggesting something is in a declining state.

On the negative side, the south can be a warning to not take impulsive action or give into angry outbursts without first considering the consequences.


The west symbolizes anything to do with movement and changeability. This can either be mentally, spiritually, or physically.

There are strong associations with the moon, which also goes through cycles and is always changing phases. Sharing similar traits to the element of water, the west direction represents fluidity, movement, and an overall sense of freedom. But with freedom comes a certain kind of wildness, that’s untamed and unpredictable.

This may be uncomfortable for some who aren’t ready for change, but sometimes change is necessary for our own spiritual growth. Because the west is where the sun goes to set before darkness, sometimes this can also symbolize endings, death, and transformation.


The north cardinal direction represents everything to do with the more rational, introspective, and intellectual aspects of life. While there can be a certain air of coldness, maturity, and seriousness to this directional point, this can be beneficial to those in search of more guidance.

Just as the northern star helps guide us towards our right path. It also has the ability to give us hints as to where we are headed based on the decisions we make now. The north symbolically shares similar qualities to the winter season, hence the feelings of coldness and stillness associated with this cardinal point.

If you notice anything positioned or facing in the northern direction, this could be a sign that more stillness and self introspection will be needed in an upcoming situation.

The right and left side

Now that we have gone over the four cardinal directions, let’s cover the differences between the right and the left side placement. Depending on where an object is placed can sometimes alter its meaning and significance.

The right side placement

The right side symbolizes the past and represents the feminine side. Some of the qualities this placement has includes focus, organization, nostalgia, and stillness.

On the negative side, this can signify a lack of forward movement and even complete stagnation. If you were to ask a yes or no question, the answer most likely will be whatever is currently going on at the moment, will be the outcome.

The left side placement

The left side placement points to the future and represents the masculine side. This side can symbolize innovation, dynamism, variety, and forward movement.

Some negative aspects of the left side can be having too much scattered energy and overconsumption. For a yes or no question, the answer may suggest that the outcome will be different from whatever is currently going on.

Practice takes time!

As with many other things, learning to apply these corresponding symbols can take practice, and the specific methods you’ll develop will be your very own.

There isn’t going to be one person that has the perfect method, or modalities of interpretation. There shouldn’t be any pressure to get it right the first time, or become an “expert” in your analysis.

These messages are what source consciousness is offering you at the time, and are specifically for you. The ease at which you are able to apply these frameworks is your own personal journey!

How to build your intuition


As stated before, there are so many frameworks of correspondences out there to choose from. Every person has to develop their own personal relationship with the symbols that resonates with them the most. Engaging with the world from a more in-depth perspective, can help create a more mutual connection between you and source consciousness.

As this connection strengthens over time, the ability to create the life you want will start to feel more natural. This would be the case with any other relationship you decide to have in your life. The energy you put out, will always be what is reflected back to you in return.